100 Words – On One Hundred Words
Awhile back while at Pismo I was surrounded by many opportunities to take beautiful pictures, and yet I was without my camera. I did, however, have my camera phone, which at best can be characterized as a point and shoot. In taking pictures I discovered that the constraints of my camera phone forced me to be creative with my shots, and in the end I was quite pleased with the results. This is the point of 100 Words, to write brief essays, very brief one-hundred-word essays, the constraints of which I expect will force me to be concise and creative.
Wrote the following comment on September 6th, 2013 at 6:52 am #
maybe a slight cheat: “write brief essays, very brief one-hundred-word essays” but fun
Wrote the following comment on September 6th, 2013 at 1:56 pm #
What’s funny about your critique is that the line your referred to was not a result of the editing process, but an expression from the first draft. But, as you noted, it did serve me well in hitting the 100 word mark. But really what happened was that I had to cut a bit to not go over that count. What you referred to is actually a consistent part of my style (for good or bad). Perhaps this can be referred to as parallel amplification, which is to say that I tend at times to repeat things with some variation to emphasize a point I’m making.
Wrote the following comment on September 6th, 2013 at 3:59 pm #
It’s not a criticism. Black preachers use repetition all the time. “The Lord said, I say, the LORD said…” So maybe you’ll be a black preacher when you’re done with your studies.
Wrote the following comment on September 6th, 2013 at 5:01 pm #
I actually didn’t take your comment as a criticism; I was just too lazy to find a better word. And what an awesome place to be if I end up, after this exercise, in the rhetorical company of men like King, or Hill.
Wrote the following comment on September 16th, 2013 at 5:16 am #
“And what an awesome place to be if I end up, after this exercise, in the rhetorical company of men like King of the Hill” was how I initially read last comment. Had to laugh and re-read:)