Archive for the 'Scripture' Category

On Not Being A Bibliolater

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Here is a recurring question of mine. What is the distinction between having an appropriate respect for God’s written Word, and being a bibliolater? To clarify, a bibliolater is one who is reductionistic in one’s thinking, and who fails to see that ultimately Jesus is the living Word of God. In this clarification I realize […]

Take the Bible Out of Their Hands

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

I just got a hold of The Moral Vision of the New Testament, a text I am considering for a theological ethics class that I have the opportunity to teach next semester. As is often the case in my relationship to a new text, I read through the introduction, scanned the table of contents in […]

How the Early Church Read the Bible

Monday, January 18th, 2010

As I was cruising through Facebook today I noticed that John Armstrong, an author and theologian whose blog I regularly read, had a comment that directed people to an article in Christianity Today titled, “How the Early Church Read the Bible,” by David Neff, an editor and regular contributor to the magazine. The gist of […]

Ego Trumps Spiritual Growth

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Remember that “Through the Bible in 90 Days” program I started a while ago, well I have turned it into “Through the Bible in Somewhere Between 120 to 150 Days,” which is still better than I have ever done in my life, since, as I mentioned, I have never read straight through the Bible before. […]

The Bible Is Brutal

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

It has been a struggle to keep up with my reading of Scripture. The pace is unrelenting and, ironically there is no reading Sabbath in this 90-day program. On some level, this is just a matter of prioritizing, as I know that I can find about 40 minutes a day to read the Bible, but […]

I Would Have Been Dead Before My Time

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

I recently finished reading through the book of Leviticus, and though I can write a lot in response to what I’ve read, for now I will just say that had I been an Israelite back in the time of Moses, I would surely have been killed before my time. I don’t have a mind for […]

Through the Bible in 90 Days

Monday, September 29th, 2008

Last week I started a program of which the title, “Through The Bible In 90 Days,” says it all. Yes, it is a bit daunting as it requires a little more than half an hour of reading a day, and some of the books of the Bible are less than gripping. On the other hand, […]

The B – I – B – L – E

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

“The B – I – B – L – E, yes that’s the book for me, I stand alone on the word of God, the B – I – B – L – E!” So, the other day I was walking and thinking about the way technology influences our relationships (honestly, I really was) and […]