The Superlative Seven
This is an occasional series I hope to inaugurate with this post wherein I will provide links to the best stuff I have recently encountered on the web. This stuff will be enlightening, challenging, entertaining, funny, sometimes bawdy (but not too bawdy), profound, and sometimes all of these combined, which would really make it the best of the best.
Oooh this makes me think. Maybe every seventh time I do the Superlative Seven, I will make it the best of the previous seven, in a kind of homage to the whole cycle of seven motif in Old Testament regarding sabbatical years, and jubilee and all that. I can call it the Super Superlative Seven.
And now, without further ado… the first Superlative Seven.
This post at IMonk takes the occasion of a proposed theme park, centered upon the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, as an opportunity to reflect upon the dumbing down and sanitizing of Christian faith, as well as to wittily criticize and satirize the theme park itself. Take the time to read some of the comments, as the humor and insight continues there as well.
The Persistent Paradox of Human Uniqueness
As the light of science beats back the darkness of our ignorance and superstition, some things apparently refuse to give in. Yes, we now know that we share something like 99% of our DNA with higher primates, but dang what a difference that remaining 1% makes. In this article at Big Questions Online, author Simon Conway Morris takes a look at the persistent paradox of human uniqueness. Take particular note of the wonderfully biting line about the ovens of Auschwitz.
Jesus Creed: Defending the Old Testament God
Theologian and New Testament scholar Scot McKnight begins a new series based upon Paul Copan’s new book, Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God. McKnight begins this series by addressing Copan’s response to the criticism that God is a huge cosmic narcissist.
You have probably seen this before. I know I have, but dang if it doesn’t make me laugh, and dang if it isn’t uncannily accurate in how it makes its comparison through the use of phrases centered on the word “sh*t” to express an essential idea of various religions and belief systems.
Don’t judge me man.
Becoming Aware of Our Need to Grow Spiritually
This is a nice reflection on the nature of spiritual growth, which exhibits the insight and even-handed reasonableness that consistently characterizes John Armstrong’s writing. As a little bonus, there is a nice bit of paradox in this post.
Inspiring Photographer – Drew Hopper
I stumbled upon this guy’s work, and I was inspired, jealous, and knew I had to share.
I am currently reading Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton, and without hesitation, and even at risk of being called an intellectual imperialist, I, without qualification, assert that all of you need to read it as well. Dale Ahlquist, of the American Chesterton Society, agrees with me, and in this brief essay he tells you why.
Oh, and this is a link to another comparative guide
Again, don’t judge me man.
Wrote the following comment on December 7th, 2010 at 1:09 pm #
Really enjoyed the link by Dale Ahlquist! And he’s not the only one who agrees with you! 🙂
Wrote the following comment on December 7th, 2010 at 3:40 pm #
So where’s the bawdy? I was promised bawdy!
Actually an interesting idea. I’m especially interested in OT God not as a bully; I deal with that all the time.
Wrote the following comment on December 7th, 2010 at 3:45 pm #
Roger – Perhaps the word I should have used it naughty, but technically I think the whole piece about comparative religions is within the domain of bawdy.