What Is Your Hope

While cleaning the tutoring center I came across a sheet of paper with various Gospel quotes. It turned out to be a bit of serendipity, as one of the quotes spoke to me, and I thought I would give it a chance to speak to someone else.

What is your hope? Only this – his relentless grace, boundless love, patient forgiveness, and unending faithfulness.”

This quote is by Paul David Tripp, a pastor and author of a number of books on Christian living. What I like about this quote is that it concisely elaborates on what is central to biblical hope: the character of God.

In closing, I want to draw attention to a nice pairing of words:

relentless grace

Very nice pastor Tripp!

One Response to “What Is Your Hope”

  1. Jackie Rios  

    I love Paul Tripp. Check out his twitter site, he updates with three biblical promises to think about every morning. 🙂 http://twitter.com/#!/PaulTripp

    Sometimes I read blogs from him on this website: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/