I Have A Fever For More Cowbell!!

Perhaps you are familiar with what is arguably the best skit on Saturday Night Live: the VH1, Blue Oyster Cult, Bruce Dickinson, “more cowbell!!” skit. Well, knowing that I have a fever and that the only prescription is more cowbell, a friend of mine sent me a link that can add cowbell and the voice of Bruce Dickinson (aka Christopher Walken) to any song that you upload. I chose AC-DCs “Back in Black,” and I’m amazed. I couldn’t believe this song could get any better, but hey, “I gotta have more cowbell.”

Make your own at MoreCowbell.dj

If you wanna cool your fever and add more cowbell to one of your faves, or if you wanna see the original SNL cowbell skit, just click on the following:

“I gotta have more cowbell!”

The SNL Cowbell Skit

2 Responses to “I Have A Fever For More Cowbell!!”

  1. Scott  

    Freakin hilarious. I love how the guitar fades at the end of the song, giving way to the superior instrument … the COWBELL!

  2. Simon  

    So I snoozed on the train up to Santa Rosa and while in snoozedom I dreamed that I got on a train and Christopher Walkin was on it too and he was talking to a busker about how he needed ‘More cowbell.”

    The brain is a funny old thing! 🙂